How To Use Spider Eye In Minecraft
Top 5 uses of Spider Eye in Minecraft
Eating spider eyes may sound gross, but spider eyes are edible in Minecraft. A spider eye recovers two hunger points. However, there is a huge downside to eating them. Eating a spider eye gives a poison effect for four seconds.
Players can remove the poison effect by quicking drinking a bucket of milk or honey bottle.
What Are Spider Eyes and What Do They Do in Minecraft
Spider Eyes arent meant to be eaten in-game. If you do, youll immediately be poisoned for five seconds and begin losing health. Spider Eyes stand out when theyre used to craft other items.
#3 – A Balanced Diet Advancement
To complete “A Balanced Diet” Advancement, players need to eat 40 types of unique food items in Minecraft. Spider eye is one of those 40 food items.
Advancement Hunters will eventually have to eat a spider eye to complete this advancement. Eating one spider eye poisons the player for four seconds, which deals four hearts of damage.
What are spider eyes good for?
What potion can you make with spider eye?